"Feel free to contact me either by mail or telephone. All questions are welcome, I hope I can help you with your need. I also hope to see you soon in my gallery! I send you much joy and happiness"
- I Wayan Lisih Sugiarta
Email: byubyus(at)yahoo.com
Phone: 081 338 600 626

Indonesia-code: +62
Bali city-code: +36

Call outside of Bali using:
(+62 36) 81 338 600 626

Visiting address:
Jalan Suweta 16
Br Bentuyung
Ubud, Bali 80571

Give this address to a local taxi driver and they will help you. MAHA Art Studio is located about 30 minutes (walking) and 5 minutes (driving) from Ubud Market.

Click on the picture below for a map